Saturday, May 27, 2006

Recreating SOL-NL: Not SOL but SOUL

Yesterday we had the first meeting of concerned members of the Society for Organisational Learning. For a few years now, the Dutch and Belgian members were, as one participant put it, in a depression.
Yet most see potential, in the concepts, the individual members and the relation with the bigger SOL community. Guided by Interact/Engage we explored the first part of the U-process: seeing the system. I'm offering here a space to interact about organisational development, personal growth (leadership), visioning, system archetypes, mental models, team learning, synchronicity and putting the U back into SOL(-NL): more SOUL .

I propose to do this in English, so we can communicate with people from other countries, who might or might not recognize this predicament: how is it that good, perhaps the best, intentions by the best of people can run aground - and how to get floating again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we are going to be 'floating together' - maybe we should build a nice boat ;-)...Here is a provocative opinion (remark)...if this are building-for-floating, what if we try and start with a un-complex and non-detailed plan...what would be the simplest seed (crystal) from which this vessel can become a reality?
I will use my painter's head and say that all paintings and drawings tend to start with one mark...what is the one mark?


Andrew Campbell (UK) not SoL member

23/6/06 00:11  

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